About Derek Knox

About Derek Knox

My Mission

I strive to empower and educate people by organizing information in effective, interactive, and visually meaningful ways. Software has been my vehicle for accomplishing this for the last 15 years.

Process - RAD-Four

As a Senior Software Engineer and UI/UX/IxD Designer, my work is embodied in three core disciplines.

  • Visual Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Software Engineering

The weight of my role in each varies depending on the project and the team, but my process remains the same. I've dubbed this process RAD-Four.

  • Research
  • Analyze
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Deploy
  • Distribute

Though each of the six parts of the process are self-describing, you can read a detailed account of my combined approach in the article The RAD-Four Process.


I utilize pen and pad, computer graphics software, and code to bring ideas into the world. I do this both professionally and personally. These tools help me create and blend art with function. I experiment and create custom interactive displays and controls that simplify user interaction. I harness animation to make products feel alive and fun while maintaining their usefulness. Ultimately, I leverage code as a tool for creation.

I'm not bound to the screen as a result of these interests however. I love to snowboard (12+ yrs) and play ice hockey (20ish yrs) too. I enjoy the outdoors in general and specifically the Pacific Northwest's mountains, forests, and lakes. I love my beautiful girlfriend fiancé wife and the fact that we get to explore the PNW together (now with our incredible daughter). I feel extremely lucky to currently reside in, and to have grown up in, the PNW.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


Email via dakknox@gmail.com. I'm on Twitter @derekknox.
Email thebrain@braindroplabs.com for Braindrop Labs product related inquiries.